Tuesday 21 February 2012

Tea Bag or Loose Leaf?

Many people may prefer one or the other but really which one is better?
People who are not exposed to loose leaf tea will more than likely choose plain supermarket brand tea. I think it's more to do with convenience.

Being subjected to several processes including withering, rolling, drying, cutting and blending; the intensity of the tea is lost and most of the flavour is severely affected. A friend of mine described it as tasting 'like brown paper dipped in water'.
However, not all tea bags are bad. in fact there are quite a lot of options out in the market nowadays ranging from flavoured Black tea, Green tea and even Rooibos.  You will find more variety in health or organic shops. 

Then you have the powdered and flavoured variety. But we'll save that for a later discussion.

I suppose I am somewhat biased towards Loose leaf tea because I can always taste the difference. The taste and smell is absolutely divine. And because fresh is always better, you get all the anti oxidants, undiluted.

I don't know about you but when I make a cup of tea, I go on relaxation mode straight away. I take a deep breath to smell that gorgeous exotic scent, and can't stop that sigh that escapes my lips when I take my first sip. Aaah....

Whatever it is you prefer, enjoying the experience is all that really matters, isn't it?

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