Wednesday 29 February 2012

8 ways for Healthy Living, Diet Plan & Effective Weight Loss: Part6

      6.     Eat 5 or 6 smaller balanced meals per day
One of the keys to being able to access body fat as a source of energy is to maintain even blood sugar throughout the day. Even blood sugar and energy is achieved by having 5 to 6 well spaced smaller meals and making sure each meal has a correct balance of protein (essential amino acids) carbohydrate and fats (essential fatty acids).

The majority of your carbohydrates should be ones that increase blood sugar slowly. Do this by reducing all sugars and starchy carbohydrate foods, and replacing them with fruits, salads, vegetables and whole-unprocessed grains. This will also increase your nutrient and fibre intake. Research shows that a high fibre intake (36 grams plus) may reduce the calories adsorbed from foods by up to 130 calories.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

8 ways for Healthy Living, Diet Plan & Effective Weight Loss: Part5

     5.     Aerobic Activity

      Aerobic activity can develop the efficiency of your fat metabolism (releasing and burning) systems. Unfit people should allow for up to 6 months of regular aerobic training to develop efficient fat burning systems. Aerobic activity can also contribute greatly to the calorie and fat deficit required for effective fat loss.

Monday 27 February 2012

8 ways for Healthy Living, Diet Plan & Effective Weight Loss: Part4

      4.      Progressive Strength Training

Each kilogram of your muscle tissue burns around 80 calories per day compared with around 5 calories per day for each kilogram of your body fat. While you are exercising you can increase the calories that your muscles use ten fold. Body fat is burned almost exclusively by muscle/ the more muscle tissue you have the more fat you use. Progressive strength training is the most effective way to increase muscle strength, muscle tone and metabolism.
Remember to exercise at-least 30 minutes a day to keep your body fit and strong. Do some weights to gain some muscle around your body, but make sure only do what you can. 

Sunday 26 February 2012

8 ways for Healthy Living, Diet Plan & Effective Weight Loss: Part3

      3.     Hydration

Aim for a diet consisting of 80% of fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts. Chances are you will be getting plenty of water. If not, you may benefit from drinking 1 litre of water per 25 kilos of body weight per day. There is nothing “slimming” about drinking water. However, it is difficult to lose body fat and maintain good health for life if you let yourself become mildly dehydrated by not drinking enough water throughout the day. When denied any vital nutrient (especially water) your body goes in to protection mode. It may tell you that you should eat (stimulating hunger) when actually you are just dehydrated. Alternatively, it may slow down your metabolism (fat burning) in an effort to retain water for survival. Thirst indicates that you body is already dehydrated.

Always make sure drink lots of water a day, because not only it will keep you hydrated and fresh it will also keep you fuller for longer making you eat less. 

Thursday 23 February 2012

8 ways for Healthy Living, Diet Plan & Effective Weight Loss: Part2

      2. Plan for Fat Reduction (not weight loss)
You can only reduce body fat if you consume less calories and fat than your body uses for its metabolism, daily activity and exercise. Any effective body fat reduction will only happen when you create a deficit of at least 500 calories a day. Reducing the percentage of dietary fat alone will not produce weight loss unless total calories (energy input) are also reduced.

Make sure you eat food that gives you enough nutrients through out the day foods such as: fish, lean meat, vegetable , fruits and nuts as snack. This way you can cut back on fat and calories but make sure you don't cook your meals with lots of oil and butter or other fats. If you plan your weight loss, do everything in moderation you will see success in the future.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

8 ways for Healthy Living, Diet Plan & Effective Weight Loss: Part1

1.     Don’t diet      

95% of all people who lose weight through dieting end up the same or fatter within 12 months. That means 19 out of 20 dieters get fatter after dieting! This is because dieting reduces your lean muscle tissue and leaves you with a slower metabolism. This makes it even more difficult to keep the weight off. Every time you diet it gets harder.

So make sure don't just diet because you want to loose weight and be skinny. Diet because you want to change your lifestyle and gain more muscle tissue in which helps your body to be more fit, healthy and happy. Also dieting doesn't mean starve yourself it means eating healthy foods such as vegetables, fibers, fruits and meats in moderation and daily exercise.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Tea Bag or Loose Leaf?

Many people may prefer one or the other but really which one is better?
People who are not exposed to loose leaf tea will more than likely choose plain supermarket brand tea. I think it's more to do with convenience.

Being subjected to several processes including withering, rolling, drying, cutting and blending; the intensity of the tea is lost and most of the flavour is severely affected. A friend of mine described it as tasting 'like brown paper dipped in water'.
However, not all tea bags are bad. in fact there are quite a lot of options out in the market nowadays ranging from flavoured Black tea, Green tea and even Rooibos.  You will find more variety in health or organic shops. 

Then you have the powdered and flavoured variety. But we'll save that for a later discussion.

I suppose I am somewhat biased towards Loose leaf tea because I can always taste the difference. The taste and smell is absolutely divine. And because fresh is always better, you get all the anti oxidants, undiluted.

I don't know about you but when I make a cup of tea, I go on relaxation mode straight away. I take a deep breath to smell that gorgeous exotic scent, and can't stop that sigh that escapes my lips when I take my first sip. Aaah....

Whatever it is you prefer, enjoying the experience is all that really matters, isn't it?

Monday 20 February 2012

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Tea, Coffee or me?

One of the questions I am often asked is how and why I am in the business of Tea.

Back in my college years and up until a few years ago, I was drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day (and at night). I could not function without it. One sip and all is well in the world again.

A couple of years ago, I was beginning to get all sorts of immune related health problems. I had skin allergies on my face and body, I was really stressed at work and could only focus a short period of time. After many unsuccessful trips to the doctor and dermatologist, I decided to see a nutritionist. She suggested I minimise my coffee intake as she believes the caffeine could be over stimulating my nervous system. I told her Tea was boring, so she took me to an asian tea shop and introduced me to all the variety that is available in the market.

And that is when my love affair with Tea started.

According to Wiki, Caffeine is a central nervous system and metabolic stimulant. It produces increased wakefulness, increased focus and better general body coordination. It's like zapping your body and brain full of energy, like a toy with a new energizer battery.

Stephen Cherniske, the author of the book Caffeine Blues explains your body's perspective of this constant state: "Imagine you lived in a country that was always underthreat of attack. No matter where you went, there was a perpetual state of alert. Not only that, but your defenses were constantly being depleted and weakened. Within five minutes after you drink your morning coffee, the caffeine begins to stimulate your central nervous system, triggering the release of stress hormones in your body causing a stress (fight or flight ) response. The stress hormones are useful if you need to prepare yourself to fight or flee a dangerous situation, but if you are simply sitting at your desk you may feel a short charge of alertness, quickly followed by feelings of agitation. Within the next hour or so, after the stress response dissipates you will feel more tired and hungry.'

Our body and brain cannot operate like this for an extended period of time. After prolonged 'caffeinism' your body enters a state of adrenal exhaustion and stress.

Decrease your intake, and try healthier alternatives instead. It has done wonders for me. Now don't get me wrong, I still have my occassional coffee although now adays I try to stick to decaf.

I guess the key to everything is moderation. :) 

Monday 13 February 2012

Cool as Ice !

What a beautiful summer day in Gold Coast and Brisbane! What better way to quench your thirst than with a Teassert Iced Tea. Today we are enjoying the house favourite, Tropical Lychee Iced Tea
What are you drinking today?

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Need a Valentines day Present?

Go to for some amazing delicious teas. You can choose whatever you want and we can put a little love package just for you.<3

Monday 6 February 2012

" Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" 

“To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven”

Saint (Valentine's Day) is a day we celebrate love. With our busy lives and schedules, we sometimes forget to show our appreciation to our other half, the person who puts up with us the most. This is the day we can make that extra effort to show our thanks and strengthen that special bond. 
 Why not take your love one for a tea picnic under the stars?
Leave a comment if you have a unique idea for a  Valentines Date.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.

Hello, Welcome to Teassert. What we do is bring Tea to the next level. Tea is not just drink its a form of liquid which relaxes and eases the mind and body from stress. It takes your palette into a new world and new direction.